Beat the ATS Bots

Bye bye silence - hello interviews!

Discover how to edit your resume so it can pass through Applicant Tracking Systems next time you apply for a job online.

  • Stop wasting your time - Continually submitting the wrong design makes no sense. 
  • Understand where you are going wrong - Discover exactly which aspects of your resume are ruling you out from the jobs you really want.
  • Save money - No need to pay for an expensive resume writer because you can easily rectify any mistakes yourself.
  • Finally start hearing back from applications - Stop losing out to your competition and get the job you deserve by actually being in the game.

Added bonus!

Download an ATS-friendly resume template with dummy content to guide you.

Simply write over it with your own information so that you can be sure ATS won't reject your next job application.


What People Are Saying:

My CV was professionally written back in 2016 so it was well overdue a rework especially as everyone was on about ATS on LinkedIn. To me, it sounded like double dutch but with scanners etc so I thought it was time to bring it up to date. Hence when you offered an "I'll box the living daylights out of your CV" option how could I refuse? Recruiters now say it is excellent and I would definitely recommend you for your straight to the point, no nonsense approach to job search.

Stefan Maslak - Sales Manager
